This past year on the 21st of December we were invited to join in on the annual Solstice Celebration at our dearest Lauren Bilbao's house. The shortest daylight day of the year, we couldn't have imagined honoring it any better than surrounding ourselves with incredibly beautiful people and feasting on massive quantities of quality food. I have heard more than one friend within the Eugene community express the sentiment that the best food a person can experience is at local, back-yard potlucks. This idea resonated deep with me, particularly as it truthfully continued to manifest itself at nearly every dinner gathering I attended, and the Solstice fete was of no exception. A large percentage of the attendees grow a substantial portion of their own food, including the food presented in our six course dinner, however all of the guests relished in the depth of care and intention and joy that went into generating each individual ingredient. Over the years Keegan and I have grown as farmers and have slowly established ourselves within an honorably interdependent community. An event like the Winter Solstice dinner represents such a milestone in where we would hope our lives to be; a culmination of projects and relationships that we've dedicated ourselves to with long term visions in mind. We were able to share food and camaraderie within a multi-generational group/tribe/family/community (however you view a group of people that cares for and supports each other unquestioningly). What resonating life fulfillment. What colorful conversation. What exquisite sustenance.
Here's the menu from the event, along with a candid glimpse at the moments shared.
+ First Course
Baguette, Cheese, Olives, Makenna's Pickles
+ Second Course
Nick's home grown Winter Squash Soup. Made with Carol Deppe's world renowned Sweet
Meat Squash and pureed heirloom apples.
+ Third Course
Greg's wild caught Salmon from the Alsea River, Lauren's home grown leeks braised in cream,
Meghan's wild crafted mushroom and rice pilaf.
+ Fourth Course
Jenny and Keegan, and Shelley and Bel's home raised rabbit over a bed of root vegetables
grown at the Ant Farm; carrots, rutabagas, celeriac, parsnips.
+ Fifth Course
Salad from Lauren and Nick's gardens; arugula, frisee, radicchio, chicory, lettuce, mizuna,
spinach, tatsoi.
+ Sixth Course
Stored gleaned Bartlett Pears, Bleu Cheese, gleaned Walnuts
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